Worm Castings Compost Fertilizer 1lb Bag. I have produced some excellent quality worm castings that I have used in my home garden with outstanding results, and I would like to share them with you. Worm castings have a number of benefits: Provides long-term to soil through beneficial matter. Enzymes deliver essential nutrients directly to plant roots to help them flourish. Nutrients include iron, sulfur, magnesium, zinc, copper and calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus, manganese, and potassium. Minerals are immediately available and absorbed easily and immediately, without the risk of burning the plant. Enhances the ability of soil to retain water. Inhibits root diseases such as root rot. Suitable for indoor and outdoor plants. These worm castings were home-composted in small batches through the natural actions of red wriggler worms. Worms are fed purely natural feed and raised indoors in a container, ensuring clean, consistent, high-quality castings. Made from fruit and vegetable scraps, yard leaves, and crushed egg shells. The final product may contain some live worms and worm cocoons, which can continue building compost in your garden, and seeds. Weight: 1 pound. Made in USA in the state of Virginia