Super Frass Fertilizer Dry Multipurpose Fertilizer Looking for a fertilizer that wont burn your garden and is all natural? Then you have some to the right place! Super Frass is a natural insect compost that is a by product of the insect breeding industry. Not only is this product natural but it has so many uses it is almost unbelievable. Super Frass Can do it all!! All the benefits with NO BURN!! You can mix it in with your soil as an amendment Mix in water and spray on leaves as a Foliar Fertilizer Spray Use in cutting transplant Make a composted tea and boost beneficial soil microbes Mix in water to make an all natural Hydroponic Garden (can even be used as an additive in Organic Hydro System) All natural insecticide!! The exoskeleton of the worms activates plants natural defense systems. There are hundreds of Frass mix recipes online and this product can be used in any recipe that you find! ✔️ Here are some Classic Recipes ✔️ ROW CROPS / RAISED BEDS – Add 1lb per 20 sq. ft. Work frass into the soil TRANSPLANTING – Add a small amount (pinch) of Frass to your transplant to root development. HYDRO – Add 2 Cups per 30 Gallons water SOIL / COCO – Pre-Mix 1 Cup per Cubic Foot of loose soil/coco prior to planting (less than 1% by volume) ROOT DRENCH / TOP DRESS – Add ½ Cup Frass per Gallon water and Root Drench, or Sprinkle around plant and water in thoroughly. FOLIAR SPRAY – Add 1 TBSP per Gallon water, shake and let frass settle for 30 minutes, then apply. COMPOST TEA – Add 1 Cup Frass per 15 Gallons of Tea to achieve Fungal Dominance. KILL FUNGUS GNATS – Add ½ Cup per Gallon water, shake and let frass settle for 30 minutes, then Root Drench 👨🌾TC INSECTS IS A FAMILY FARM👩🌾 Get the best savings with TC INSECTS. The 🥇 TOP SELLER 🥇 of wholesale insect products! We are a Family Farm that delivers quality you expect. Our family has bred bugs for 40+ years and we have been featured in YouTube Specials, Exotic Mega Shows, PodCast and supply the Nation's leading Ecommerce websites. We work hard to deliver fast and produce quality in quantity. 🧪 Experimental Zone ⚗️ If you would like to try some of our other Frass Products from Crickets / Isopods / Silkworms / Roaches Please contact us. We are very interested in expanding to new frass products beyond worm frass! Please note all orders are worm frass unless contacted before ordering.