USE NITRO BAT GUANO IN TEAS OR AS TOP DRESS FOR RAPID LUSH GREEN GROWTH!! Nitro Bat Guano 9-3-1 is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potash and provides essential plant nutrition for vigorous vegetative growth and prolific fruit and flower development. Nitro Bat Guano 9-3-1 is highly effective mixed into soils, applied as a side dress or steeped to make a potent guano tea or foliar spray. Personal note: I like to apply this product to soil at the rate of roughly 1 cup per 3 sqft. I use a red plastic solo cup, fill it to the top, then broadly spread the guano over the top of the soil. You should then scratch it into the soil and over it with mulch before watering to prevent aquaphobic runoff. Larger more vigorous plants can withstand larger doses up to 1 cup per 2 sqft. For small plants only use up to 1 tsp / 1 gal pot. Use only after plants have become well established to avoid burning.