Coast of Maine LK4C Stonington Blend, Organic Plant Food 5-2-4, 4 lbs PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Coast of Maine Stonington Blend Organic Plant food gives your plants a boost! Key Product Features Ideal for flowers, vegetables, and herbs Promotes leafy green growth, budding, flowering, and fruiting OMRI Listed Derived from lobster and crab shell meal, fish meal, kelp meal and worm castings Can be used in both indoor and outdoor container planting Coast of Maine has created this blend to promote leafy green growth, budding, flowering, and fruiting with the organic grower in mind. Stonington Blend Organic Plant Food is made with lobster and crab shell meal, fish meal, kelp meal and worm castings. This exceptional fertilizer will supercharge the soil, giving your plants a significant boost. It is also high in calcium (4%) and a range of macro and micro-nutrients to help improve plant vigor! This product can be mixed into the soil for new beds or used to top dress existing plants. Analysis 5-2-4.