Adding Humates is the most efficient way to increase the humus content of soil, as it is highly concentrated and much easier to apply than any other form of humic matter. Humates are highly concentrated, natural organic humus, formed through the biological breakdown of plant life over millions of years. Also, since humates are completely decomposed, they enter into no nutritional competition with plants for nutrients such as nitrogen (not the case with incompletely decomposed compost). Pulverized leonardite powder is a biochemically active concentrated source of humic containing 70% humic (by weight). Naturally-occurring, unaltered oxidized lignite is pulverized to a particle size 90% less than 30 mesh. This powder is an organic material which is added to your soil to enhance uptake of nutrients, increase microbial activity and stimulate soil life, and can be used as a supplemental source of trace elements.